The human mind is set on one thing, preserving and improving its mortal existence, but as we can see this objective is never ever met. That which is mortal and corruptible is indeed perishable and temporary, and that which is immortal and incorruptible is indeed forever, never even contemplate the thought of changing this principal. Man’s research to change this principle continues until he comes back to his senses and says within himself, “I always had that which I was searching for”.

True perfection, immortality and life in its entirety, comes with self-realization. When man begins to know the secret of the Father and the one who appears as a man, then he enters his rest forever. At the appearing of the sun and the sound of rain that which momentarily seems dead springs back to life. Man remembers that he is the One from eternity. For a moment he is made lower than the angel, as he leaves his celestial glory and puts on the lowly state of a mortal man.

In his deep state of sleep in mortality, the word of the Spirit as spoken through Jesus brings remembrance to him:

No man hath ascended to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

Heaven is the throne and habitation of the Father of all. It is the realm of the life-giving Spirit. This goes to confirm again that the glorious Father whom you seek is the one who descended for a season as a man and that man is you. You are that immortal and incorruptible one that occupies eternity (heaven) and descended into this world as a man.

With this long-lost discovery, man says to Himself, “I must awake and go to the Father”.

There is only one, The Father, whose habitation is in the high elevated place called heaven, No one ever occupied that elevated state but yourself from the beginning before time. Nothing ever changed, it remains the same. You are always the one.

Let this awareness increase and may it be your passport back into the Father.