Mark 10:5-9  And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;  And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 

Unknowingly, men walk in ignorance of an ever-present realm of existence which the great teacher called the creation of God. It’s the true creation nested in God, far away from the awareness of the men of this age. In this realm all things appear and manifest as the Lord God, the Spirit because it becomes apparent there is nothing else to be seen and heard. In God’s creation all things are one Spirit eternally.

What men perceive as two are one in the creation of God from the beginning, but this pure knowledge is adulterated by man as he sleeps the death of mortality and becomes hardened in his heart and dull of perceiving the truth.

What God has joined or rather appears in the divine mind as one, let no man in his ignorance put asunder. We see that the problem has always been what man imagines in his heart and thinks with his mind. This mindset of man is the very fountain of Satan or what we have come to know as the devil. It is the lying forked tongue of the serpent deceiving man and leading him into an illusionary realm of sorrow and pain.

For the deceived, a spiritual divorce occurs causing man causing man to form and inhabit an imaginary realm separate from the eternal Spirit. Man’s world or creation is divorced from God and viewed as an adulterer and fornicator.

To return to the creation of God the imaginary gulf between man and God must be abolished. The two must become one not by human religious effort but rather by first listening to the inner witness and receiving the knowledge of the truth. Light shining in the heart of man will simply reveal where he stands in God.

The truth is that man has always been one spirit with God. Ignorance through deception leads to inhabiting the desert like realm of outer darkness where man is unaware that he has always been in God, one and inseparable.

If I have seen the light, I will walk anew in the true creation of God no more seeing and relating to anything outside the Spirit. The old corrupt mind formed creation is no more, and I walk in the true and only creation. In this reality I see the eternal Spirit in all things and through all things.   

 I see only the face of God in the creation and walk only before that face as my fellow brother says: “from henceforth I know nothing after the Flesh (Human reasoning) but the after the Spirit (Divine mind of God). This awareness will preserve me throughout all ages and exalt me in life and pleasures forever.