From times past unto this present day, I am fascinated by the sheer genius and exceedingly detailed design of the tabernacle of Moses and the more elaborate temple of Solomon. Through the years, I have repeatedly read the chapters that touch on these topics and the understanding I get just keeps expanding.
These physical structures were considered temples of God but unfortunately, they do not exist anymore even for the sake of historical monumental purposes, but the whole concept remains eternally in the true temple not made with hands.
When light comes, that which is in the dark is done away with and in likewise manner those marvelous structures of old are done away with and the real is brought to light. An enlightened Paul will later ask, “don’t you know that you are the temple of the living God?”.
Notice the phrase “living God”. He was emphasizing the fact that the true God never dwelt in those temples of old…it was all an unreal thing that they looked unto as God. Those manifestations of old were a manifestation of their combined faith and beliefs. Remember, all things are possible to him that believes. (Food for thought)
The ancients simply walked in the shadows and to some extent saw results in the artificial light that they had, but they never saw the way to, nor inherited the ultimate, eternal life.
Today the focus moves within your very being. You suddenly become aware of the fact that everything ever written was speaking about the indwelling One who is the true and living God. The parable is passing away and the true God of glory is being brought to light.
The passageway to God (ascension) is within yourself, so never look outwardly for a savior. If they say the messiah is anywhere without, do not listen to them. Your immeasurable power, sufficiency, peace and joy is all embedded within you, but to rediscover it, you must enter back into the holiest place within. You must hear, see with the eye of faith, believe and embrace the true I within.
Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard of the incorruptible eternal temple within. The real temple or tabernacle of gold was deliberately hidden from the prying eyes of the outer world to demonstrate the mystical nature of the temple. Many men pass through this earth never realizing that all they ever needed was knowledge of the true inner man in the holiest place within.
The holiest place within is the dwelling place of the true God of creation which is none other than your true immaculate self before your existence in this material plain. Do not let these words trouble you because they are true.
Attaining to this state will mean letting off the outer and completely embracing the inner. It means living and walking by the light and understanding of the Lord the Spirit whose glory appears as a smoky cloud and gave light to the inner most chamber.
The golden table of shewbread with twelve unleavened loaves, the golden candle lampstand, the golden alter of incense for fragrant perfumes, the ark of the covenant and the golden winged angelic creatures overlooking the glory of God that appeared like a cloud reveal the pattern of self-realization, ascension and healing.
The ordering of the objects in the temple depict inner meditation and communion and walking in the light of the revelation that you get. Meditate on your true incorporeal state before your descent into time and space and abide in this state. Remember the divine I who is not born of a woman, the unchangeable one who is same yesterday, today and throughout all eternity. Get acquainted with the Lord your life and thus liberate yourself from grief, sorrow and pain.
No matter what the outer may look like the inner temple remains unchanged, reserved for the man of God unto the day he returns therein. Being things forgotten in our human experience, you must patiently increase in the knowledge of the divine I within. This is the temple you enter into and never come out again, you enter in bearing the name of the Lord your God.
I will make those who are victorious pillars in the temple of my God, and they will never leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which will come down out of heaven from my God. I will also write on them my new name. (Revelations 3:12)