All things are working out according to the grand plan of God, man does not necessarily have to be aware of this . One may ask what is the grand plan of God? Well I will make reference to the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel (2:31-35). This dream reveals a vision that is present continuous like most other prophecies in the bible. This means that unknown to men these visions are being accomplished in our lives individually and collectively. Never be fooled into looking out for physical signs like the prophets of men would indicate, rather hear what the Spirit is saying. The awesome stature that the king saw represents man’s kingdom, one of great pomp and wonder, however it’s foundation is upon a feet of clay mingled with impossible blend. This represents the seemingly splendorous world of man built by the carnal intellect which appears to be real and solid but will crumble and disintegrate when hit by the stock cut out without hands. The stone was cut out without human hands it says, meaning it is a divine operation not man’s work, bringing to accomplishment that which was seen in the Vision. The stone represents the revelation of the one divine identity and His kingdom (God’s kingdom) which brings to naught every human knowledge and establishes God’s kingdom forever. It brings awakening in man to the divine immaterial “I” who is actually God, because I and the Father are one.This activity is already taking place y within men so never expect any sudden phenomenal change in the outer world. It is all about an increase in God consciousness and nothing more. Carnality dissolves and is blown away by the revelation of the truth. Like the little stone that became a mountain and fills the whole earth, God has to become all in all, and His presence like the waters cover the sea. The earth (mortality) is no more, but Spirit (Mountain) remains forever.