Thank you Trevor … Truly inSpired, in Spirit … for those who worship Him, must learn to worship Him in Spirit & in Truth. ❤️ and forsake the man ( the false idea) of being a person whose breath is in his nostrils . For as we rest in the truth of this Light, and live in the Light of this truth, a deep & Holy Communing becomes our strength, indeed IS our very Life, and IS the only experience we have to know ourselves aright…. as the Righteousness of God, the right mindedness of all goodness ( Godliness) without spot or blemish. As it is written … when I awaken, I shall be satisfied in His (this) likeness. The likeness of God, which is simply abiding in the abundance of Joy, the wholeness/ completeness of Love, and the depth of Peace which surpasses all human reason & understanding. This fullness of Spirit IS Life …. is Life without end, without opposite, because there simply is no opposition in God. The Lord your God is ONE. Unified field of Life, love, joy & peace. The end of all restlessness, dissatisfaction, sickness & death is the end of this ‘dream’ world . In the Masters own words ‘Be of good cheer, for I shall be with you even unto the end of this world…. the disillusionment …. the dissolving of the illusion of this world of dreams and the healing of all our vain imaginings. For God said He made us in His image & likeness, beside which, there is no other Presence …. so anything ‘formed’ is then recognized and understood as a false belief, a dreaming, or vain imagining. Thank you Trevor for your faithfulness to this pure message . ❤️