The well-read fable of Lazarus and the rich man is another example of the futility of the human mind, and glorious recompense of the man of the Spirit. This Story recorded in Luke 16:19-31 reveals two ways to go, one leading to life power and eternal security, and the other leading to the torments of hell and death. The vain thoughts and the ways of the natural man leads him astray, down the broad way of hell and perpetual destruction. On the other hand, the man of the Spirit can only inherit the eternal fountain of life.

There were six men out of which one was rich, and a poor man called Lazarus who virtually had no possession in this world. The six men reveal the man of the flesh who lives in the futility of the carnal mind. This man is earthy and can in no way understand the things of God. This is the mindset that is veiled from the voice of the Spirit so that it is impossible for it to discern the Mystery of Christ and His Kingdom. It is the mind of the flesh that is not able to hear the voice of Moses and the Prophets as symbolically seen when Moses presented the Law with a veiled face. Jesus affirms this when He says Moses gave you the law the way he gave you because of the hardness of your heart. The hardened heart is the undiscerning heart or mindset that is unable to comprehend the voice of the Spirit.

The Law and the prophets and everything created simply testify of God’s kingdom of love and oneness. It is a pointer and reminder of the only life and realm that exists in God. These laws are to be heard only by the Spirit and not by the human natural mind.

Never expect the world to understand the things of God, because it not of this world. Do not marvel when the world does not hear the voice of the Spirit, indeed the world can not hear it. Ignorance of the realm of God equates to death, which means a complete absence or separation from the life and power of God. The rich man dies and is buried. Note that death is a continuous state of decline, deterioration and separation from the life of God. In this miserable state man is orphaned in His mind and loses all sense of belonging to that one life of God, the all power. In his thinking an imaginary gulf is erected in his mind, and he senses himself to be cut off from God. This is the pitiable state of the man of this world.

The poor man is the man who walks by the Spirit. He sees and hears the voice of the Spirit and obediently allows it to lead him back into the glory of God likened to the bosom of Abraham. The voice not only leads him back to God, it maintains and keeps him in the glory of the Father. The poor man is diligent in hearing the voice and sees the invisible eternal realm of the Father by faith. He recognizes his true incorporeal (spiritual) state and his oneness with the Supreme Spirit, God. He exercises himself in godliness and keeps the faith notwithstanding the mockers and persecutors that besiege him. The dogs likened to flesh speaks about the persecution the man of the Spirit will face from the outer world. If you know this, leave the sleepy dogs to bark while you carry on with your good work.

Unlike the rich man who dies the death of Adam, the poor man dies the death of the cross and ascends into the glory of the Father, to inherit the all power. This is the proverbial coming of the son of man with great glory and power. The Lord comes in the man who leaves the vanities of this material age to ascend back into the glory of the Father. I came out of the Father and descended into this material world, now I must leave this material sense of life and ascend back into the glory of the Father. I and the Father are one Spirit.

Having all power equates to true peace, riches and stability and it is all about realizing your true oneness with the Father.  When you recognize that the human mind is the problem you have no choice than to abandon the human self to enter a new beginning in God. You recognize the abomination that has left you desolate and ascend the mountain of God by a change in the mindset.

If you hear these words clearly, you will hate your human life to the death, and apprehend the life of God today. Walk in the Spirit today.

Lots of love.
