A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish. (Proverbs 19:5 ,9).

Just glancing through these words, the auction within me came to life revealing that there is no being in the universe seeking to punish or destroy any man. Like a Large ship driven by a little rudder in the cockpit, every man steers his destiny by his confession. Yes you are either blessed or cursed by your very confession.

You must recognize the truth about your being and walk in that truth. This is the truth that makes you soar in the unlimited blessing, which is the Lord’s glory. Recognize your incorporeal, immortal and incorruptible self that has been before time and walk in this reality.. this is your confession.

Ignorance of the divine nature would mean walking in the lie; this consequently plunging men into perpetual hell and destruction. Walking in falsehood causes men to dwell in a lower imprisoned state of sin and death with no escape whatsoever until he turns to the truth again.

Men continually perish because they fail to discern that they are the Spirit image of the Lord from above. For this reason man must awaken to the reality that he is the celestial man otherwise he perishes in his ignorance. “You are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. (John 8:23-24)”

Like the true and faithful witness who is also the beginning of the creation of God, remember your true infinite state before time. Appreciate and embrace it with all your heart. Like the sun constant through all generations dwell in the true light of the Spirit and occupy your throne forever.