“I AM HE”, confession change

We got to get things straight, because a man is actually what he declares himself to be. Remember the words, “By your words you are either justified or condemned (Matthew 12:37)“. Man is in his so called predicament today because he changed his identity from the Immortal to the mortal, from the Invisible to the visible, from the Celestial to the earthly, from the Spirit to the flesh. To live again and experience life to its fullest, He has to change confession.  What should He confession then? He must call on the name of the Lord and Confess it in all ramifications, meaning living unto the name.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9).

The words written by Paul many years ago are actually deeper than we may think because a mere superficial confession of the name Jesus can in no way save a man. Firstly we need a revelation of the Name and consequently realize that life as our own. Jesus in this context represents the true divine nature of everyman..it is called Christ in you. Realizing this is the gateway to heaven or the very salvation we speak of where man rediscovers his unlimited bountiful blessings in God.

Man must conscious be aware of the fact that He is the man from above who for a moment is transiting on the material plane. He must awaken to the fact that he is the immaterial eternal One otherwise he remains in his sin of a mistaken identity. Know yourself  that you are that man from above and be faithful to this cause..change your confession.

For if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. (John 8:24)