Noah’s story is your personal story…it is a prophetic riddle that you are predestined to fulfil. You descended out of God and will ascend back into your place in God. The quickening power of God within you will gather you back from the abysmal depths of human living, back into the one glorious life of God, fulfilling the words: “Where I Am is where you will also be”.

The infallibility of the word of God is clearly seen when Noah’s pilotless Ark guided by invisible eternal arms navigates its way through violent floods, tempestuous contrary winds, the many obstacles on its way to the peak of a mountain, high above all the other mountains. “But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. ”

As Noah is locked into the ark by invisible hands, he resigns himself to his faith in the vision he had received. He put aside his human survival instincts and clings unto the thread of faith in the revelation he received. With the old world behind him and no way of return, all Noah can do is patiently wait on the promise of a new heaven and new earth where righteousness and glory is found.

In a symbolic gesture, Noah is lifted on high, upon the pinnacle of Zion (Mount Ararat), the highest mountain, and the eulogy from the beginning is heard clearly once again…This is my beloved and only begotten son, my image and my likeness in whom I dwell bodily, all dominion rests with him and all things are his. 

The Blessing in this high elevated state of existence in God is the only true blessing that exists, and it is already yours, reserved in heaven, awaiting your return. Like the prodigal son, you will discover it never left you, you might turn away from it, but it remains there.

Embarking on a journey into God will need divine faith; you must see the end from the beginning, and the beginning from the end and embrace it whole heartedly. You must get the revelation of the Alpha (My beginning) and Omega (My ending) …Yes, I am the one and only, the First and the Last. This faith you have is nurtured by lending a dedicated hearing ear to listening and listening again to the voice of the Spirit. 

The revelation and rediscovery of long lost and forgotten divine self from the pig pen of humanity, is your entrance through the eternal door into the secret place of God. The Self is the opening into the divine ark, and passageway to resurrection glory. The door which I pass through is a door which no man (human sense) can open nor shut, only the divine I has the key.

Rediscovering myself equates to knowing the name by which I am called before time. This is the name of the Father, God…the identity by which I am known from eternity. I once more put on this glorious name and nature of the Father and dwell in the knowledge of the divine I, the Lord God. By this name am I lifted out of death and mortality into life. I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

I take refuge in the in the Father, and dwell in this one true life while dedicating a single ear to the cry of the Spirit within. Spontaneously I am quickened and lifted from the earth into the life of God the Father. Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, is dwelling consciously in the name of the Father who is above all. 

In the secret place I no more see man (flesh) but the divine I in all and through all. Neither does flesh and blood have insight into the dimension I live in, because it is life enveloped in the knowledge in pure consciousness of the invisible inner man.

By consciously Dwelling in the divine nature of I, corruption and death has no power over me because I live by the true light of my being without beginning and end. I am loosened from sin consciousness and my soul is liberated from the prison house of mortality into the glorious liberty of the Divine upon the everlasting hills.   “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler

Today many who dwell on the earth is human sense are hearing the call to higher life, a call into the Divine. The manner of this call and the entrance into the ark occurs like the visitation of a thief in the night. While men remain unconscious in their human sense men are entering into the secret place right now. It is a call to eternal life upon the everlasting hill, pleasures in the divine I who processes the fountains of life.
