The voice that called Lazarus out of the grave from his deadened state, is the same voice calling men out of darkness into the light today, so that they can experience the beauty and the glory of the Lord. It’s the call every son of God who has slipped into the darkness of the world below where there is no knowledge of God will hear in due season. The voice will lead you out of the depts of hell where corruption and death rules to the pinnacle of the creation where the living God is found.

Everything about God is forgotten in man’s descent into mortality where he gropes in darkness in relation to non-existent things. He is continuously in mourning as his world seems to be constantly disintegrating, and in despair as he beholds the things which he dearly treasures snatched away from him. He senses himself as spiritually orphaned all alone in this world and left to struggle for survival. Life is simply an unbearable nightmare for men who dwell in the world beneath.

The voice calling out the sons of God out of ignorance into the light, is the saving grace of God calling men back into conscious fellowship with Lord’s eternal body. Only in this Body do men have unhindered access to the Father because this is God’s dwelling. The voice of God calling out his sons from graveyard of human living, and the ministers who loosen them of their grave clothes, reminds and educates them of the fellowship of oneness in the heavens. The working of grace delivers men from the sensation of alienation from the life of God and consciously unifies them the Lord from heaven.

Any man who can hear this voice must of a necessity walk out of his grave (Human / mortal sense) and ascend into the light where the Lord is found. Faith is the key to overcoming every sensation that causes you to shrink back from the Lord. The Lord is the resurrection and the Life, so any man who has discerning ears must work by faith in the name of the Lord. What the Spirit reveals to you must become the building blocks to raise your faith to the highest heavens. Exercising your faith to this cause will yield guaranteed returns of glory and eternal life. Lazarus not only heard the voice, he obeyed and stepped out of the tomb into renewed life. He had to accompany his faith with works by stepping out of the tomb.

If by faith I walk in the name of the Lord and do confess the Lord as my life, I have ceased to be a man whose breath if in his nostrils. I am driven and motivated by the Lord’s Spirit, having my treasures in the realm of God, heaven. I am from above and not from beneath, and my existence is before my existence in this material plain. We must understand that the man from heaven has nothing to do with the man beneath; the old man born of a woman is non-existent.

There is one Lord, one Spirit, one faith, one God, one Father who is above all, and all in all, and our gathering is unto him. Any man who awakens to the call and walks out of the old state below will experience the beauty of oneness and all power.


Trevor Eghagha