Using the mystical tabernacle of Moses, this brief article seeks to unveil the mystery of the inner man who is in the image and likeness of the living God.

Moses walked faithfully in the light the understanding he had, but it was not given to him to know the mystery of God. Had he truly known the mystery of what he was receiving from God he would have preached the gospel of God’s kingdom within. When he received the blueprint of the tabernacle, little did he know it was a description of the glory of God that is within him. I am careful to emphasis “is within him” to indicate that it remains so to this day even though he is no more present in the physical plane.

In the human experience, man has forgotten that he is the temple of God, meaning the Spirit of God dwells within him and he is one being with the Spirit. No matter the outward manifestation this truth remains unfazed. In the day of his awakening, God will arise from within him and reign as it is from the beginning of the creation.

The sacred compartment of the tabernacle called the holies of holies represents the inner spiritual dimension within man where God is found. God inhabits this realm of the Spirit otherwise known as heaven. It is called holies of holies because it is consecrated unto the Lord; the Lord alone has access to that realm.

The Spirit seeks to bring this sacred truth to light through the gospel, that is why Jesus declared the kingdom of God is within you.

To rediscover the realm of God man must of a necessity be born anew and transformed in his mind to access the holies of holies. He must be conformed or in better terms awaken in the image of the celestial. This celestial image is illustrated in the Cherubim within the holies of holies; this is the new creation man who dwells in the glory of God.

The wings of the Cherubim reveal this creature’s ability to soar in the heavens, meaning it is spiritual by nature. The number two demonstrates they are dedicated faithful witnesses of God; they live unto God.

The two Cherubim in the holies of holies were beaten out of one whole lump gold along the mercy seat which was appeared as a lid over the ark of the covenant.  This piece was made of pure gold revealing the immortal unchanging nature of these creatures.

The mercy seat was like a throne over which the glory of God appearing as a bright cloud hovered. The Spirit is indicating a divine union which this angelic being have with God and unbreakable oneness that cannot be altered in anyway.

When the psalmist would pray in times past, he would pray to God who dwells amid the cherubim. God the Father is the one amid us all, we are the ones that reveal God. Without God we do not exist, and without us there is no God we are divinely one from the beginning.

Those who walk in the light of the revelation of the spiritual man within are likened unto angels, and children of the resurrection and live on eternally from age to age. They walk in the Spirit and mind the only the things that pertain to God and His kingdom. This is why the cherubim had their faces looking towards the ark and the glory of God. We see God in the creation and walk solely by that name. We live, walk, and have our entire being in eternal Spirit, God.

Everyman is called upon to abandon the outer and the vanities associated with it and rediscover divinity within, this is eternal life.


Trevor Eghagha