Lets take out time to meditate on the verses of Psalms 103, because God’s plan to redeem man is clearly shown in them. God’s manifold wisdom is demonstrated in this chapter, revealing revival, forgiveness, resurrection power, eternal life and the glorification of saints.

Jesus tossed a gold nugget at the world when he referred to the nature of those ascend on high into God’s world. He likens them to being equal to angels and sons of God who live in resurrection power. He adds those who attain to this high mark never die, meaning they continue reigning unhindered in life throughout all eternity.

The angelic state of the son of God is the perfect spiritual state where all live by the name of the living God. When an Angel or son of God says I, it is living God that speaks because this exalted state is divinely joined to the living God. In this reality, there is no other one in the creation, but the divine I. The new heavens and new earth are a realm inhabited by the Lord, and all who attain to this world have there being in Him. The sons of the resurrection arise from the dead into the reality of the One who fills all in all.

From the rising of the sun all shall know the on true God. In God’s world all declare that “I Am”, meaning all live by one Spirit. Anyone who cannot declare without a shadow of doubt that “I AM almighty God” has indeed lost his way and is in the transgression. This is the impoverished and inglorious state of mortal man who in his diminished human identity has completely forgotten that he is one with the godhead.

The blind, the dumb, the deaf, the lame and the dead are symbols of a man who is ignorant of the divine I AM that he is. The Lord heals the sick by causing them to rediscover themselves in him. He raises them out of the nasty waterless pit of human sense and crowns them with life, comfort, and stability.

In Jobs darkest hour, when he had come to the very end with no hope in sight, he heard the voice out of a whirlwind. After the encounter Job was healed and his later glory greater than the first. The doctors, philosophers, spirituals, motivational speakers and likes can in no way administer healing to a perishing man. Only if men would be still and listen, they will hear the same voice and be healed of every infirmity and raised up in true eternal glory and might.

The voice that speaks out of the whirlwind unveils your true self in unison with itself before time was. It reveals the living One in the midst all men in whom dwells the immortality and true untouchable life. The voice reminds you of your participation in this divine One before time and space was. It reveals heavenly bodies, the morning stars also called sons of God in celestial fellowship before this present age. These are the company of celestial beings, sons of God, angels and ministers who all live by the name of the divine One. These ones are embedded in God and do reign in the glory of God and in the place of dominion.   

Like it was from the beginning l am united with my first and only love, and in wholesome dedication I reverence the Holy name. Let all that is within me be aligned on one with the One who inhabits eternity.

For a season I foolishly departed from my participation in this union and have seen the destruction and hopelessness of those who depart from the fountain of living waters. In my foolish imagination I wondered away from the divine I who fills all in all and descended from the One dwell on high. I transgressed and sinned by living in another identity thus dishonouring the name that is above all.

In my painful and horrific experience, I called on the name of the Lord, and disciplined myself to walk in truth in the name of the Lord. I have recognized the name and humbled myself to dwell once more in the divine I that I am.

Anyone who is unable to declare without a shadow of doubt that “I AM that I AM” is sick, reprobate, poverty stricken and miserable. The blind, the deaf, the dumb, the lame, the dead etc represent the sickened condition of he that is unaware that I Am the Lord from heaven. A man is perishing when he disconnected in his mind from the living God.

By the power of the resurrection has the Lord raised me up out of the abysmal depth of human living (dust) into the divine realm of I am. From the prison house of sin and death, the power of love has given me eagles wings and caused me to ascend into the place of dominion and pleasures.

Thanks to the revelation of Christ in me, sin is abolished as I am united once more with my glory in the divine I. I can once more glory in my righteousness and perfection in the Lord.

While hearkening and aligning myself to the voice of the Spirit which says, “Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is one”, I abide in oneness in the Lord forever in the exalted angelic state which is the image of Christ. I once again walk in perfection, in the Spirit…The Lord is the Spirit. With great joy and gladness within me, I minister to the Lord and do his pleasure by continuing in His Holy name and declaring his love and faithfulness to all generations. My delight is remaining in Him and contemplation His glory forever.