This is a reflection on the story of the widow who hosted the prophet Elijah in the time of severe famine and thus experienced two significant miracles.

  1. Her flour and oil, ingredients for making bread which was initially enough for just one meal never ran out while she hosted the prophet
  2. She had her child raised from the dead by the prophet.

You can read all this in 1 Kings 17:8-24

The true prophet is the mouthpiece of God. He utters only that which He sees and hears of God.

I speak that which I have seen with my Father (John 8:38)

His words are never futile vain words, they are true and eternal.  The prophet confesses the I (Christ) within as the only reality both present and in the ages to come. He sees and confesses Christ the Spirit as the only One in the creation. One God and one Lord, and all are in him…this is what the true prophet sees and confesses. The I within is the center of all things in the creation, without the I within there is absolutely nothing.

From the definition of a true Prophet, you can clearly define what a false prophet is. Any spirit that does not confess Christ within is the false prophet.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (1 John 4:1-4)

All men who live out of the natural understanding are false prophets by nature. It is written all men are lairs, meaning they do not speak from the mind of God, rather they speak from their own finite perception and are unable to see that there is only Christ.

The true prophet is located within your own house, in the upper chamber, meaning in your higher state of consciousness. This is the true One within…He is the prophet and the man of God. You must recognize him and consciously embrace him. His is the one knocking on the door of your consciousness asking that you allow him in so that He becomes your reality.

While spiritual famine sweeps through the land and men perish for lack of understanding, discerning and locating the man of God is the only saving grace for mankind. Like the widow, you must discern the great one within and esteem him way beyond own human self. In him rests endless supply and the power to quicken you and bring you back to life in what is generally called the resurrection from the dead. He becomes your bread of life that gives eternal life (Life in the Father).

In the language of the Spirit, to be raised from the dead means a return to your perfect state in the Father. Only the Father has life, and resurrection means a return to life as the Father. This solves the riddle of the widow’s son who got raised from the dead. This is the ultimate blessing, because in this reality of oneness I live forever, and all power in heaven and earth is handed over to me.

The widow is without a husband and thus able to dedicate her life wholly to serving and honoring the prophet within. She is not entangled with the pleasures and passions of human life but has given room for the prophet to take control of her house. A house can in no way have two masters hence the man of God becomes the head.

The Christ within must take center stage and have preeminence in all things. He must be the one who speaks, walks and look through the windows of the House.   All this translates to living solely by the life of the Spirit. I must speak the words of the Spirit and live by the Spirit…this is my life and peace forever.

2 Responses

  1. Nadege says:

    This is quite revelatory. It truly shifts the focus from the external parable to the inner interpretation. Very enlightening.

  2. Sondra Owens says:

    Awesome message!