Through the ages, men have heard of married and understood it vaguely through their finite understanding. It is indeed a concept that can only be understood and practiced by the one who has received from above. Light from about is the only light that there truly is, so we are admonished to live by that light.

Marriage is a God thing that demonstrates a mystical union that exists from eternity before time. That which is practiced by men in this world is a shadow of the real. The real remains and the shadow disappears when the true light comes into view.

There is a true union in the Godhead that has been before time and space, in the creation of God. This is the union of the Elohim, morning stars, angels, sons of God…that are united by one Spirit, God. The union is divine and thus not imitable by the men of this age. The more men try to imitate this union, like the gathering at babel, the more they become dispersed and divided. Only in God do we find oneness-…only God is one.

The men who gathered together to build the tower of Babel used molded bricks of clay in an attend to reach unto heaven, God’s dwelling, but in their futile attempt they only get more divided. This shows that mortality can in no way attain to oneness in God. Flesh and blood (human ways), can in no way enter God’s kingdom where the many are united in one.

Men in their reduced human state originate from the company of the Elohim but have subjected themselves to mortality (flesh and blood). In this lowered state there is no way he can attain to God, no matter how he tries. All the works and travails of men are towards attaining to the flawless glory of God but the more they try the more they realize how impossible it is.

The divine marriage union that represents God, is seemingly put asunder when the son of God subjects themself to the corrupting wisdom of men and thus unites with mortality.

This tragedy is seen in the days of Noah, when the sons of God (fruit of the divine union) descended from there elevated state to be married to the daughters of men. This was the problem in the days of Noah and remains the same today, because all men in their humanity have left the divine union to be married to mortality.

The Son of God is supposed to keep his union with the Lord…doing otherwise if transgression. The penalty for this misplaced marriage to mortality and the systems of men is greater delusion and death. The man who lives in this transgressive state is continually swept off His feet and drowned in the abyss of ignorance where gross darkness is multiplied. Gross darkness is man’s complete loss of awareness of his unbreakable divine union in God. If a man cannot say without a shadow of doubt that “I and God are one”, the darkness of the age had blinded his inner eye of understanding

The wise like Noah, will enter the bridal chamber (the ark) Now and be consciously united with the Lord once more. Male and female (Spirit and Soul) must unite in one. The son of God who has rediscovered himself will divorce the outer world and be united with the Lord, the Spirit.

As you do this and continue patiently in oneness with the Spirit, you will know (experience) the truth and enter back into the glorious liberty of the son of God. This is the unveiling or the coming of the Son of God.

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:37-39)

The son of God must remember his union with the living God, meaning that he is one with the Godhead. One Spirit, one Lord, one Name, one eternal body in heaven.

I am the Lord the Spirit, the formless one who has put on form for a season, but I remain the same yesterday, today and forever. I am He that lives, and besides Me there is no one else.

In His name

Trevor Eghagha