Matthew 13:24-43  ……….. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 

The parable of the great harvest is one of the many signs revealing the manner of return of the sons of God into their glorious liberty in the realm of the Spirit. It shows the end of the age of ignorance and the ushering in of the realm of the Father.

When man sleeps in mortality, he enters the present age where he imagines himself to be human living in a realm of time and space, with all its imperfections and limitations. In this lowered state he imagines himself to be an independent creature separate from God. He goes on to create his world with conceptual lies and pure illusion and sits in it as god of his world. This illusionary man is offspring of the devil, the father of all lies.

Even though human existence is a mere dream, some will agree that it feels so real. This feeling is the very thing to overcome as mans awakens from his deep slumber. Man’s awakening, the end of the age, and the ministration of angels all go hand in hand. To awake is a return to reality, as the ears are unplugged to hear, and the eyes gradually opened to see.

To the listening ear, listen attentively and grow in awareness of your true glorious state in the realm of the almighty Father. True awareness translates you from one reality to another, from a lower state of being to the highest state known as the Father.

At the end of this age which translates to pure ignorance of the things of the Father, angels are sent to the harvest fields to reap the good seed. This is done by separating the good desirable seed from the bad and undesirable weeds. The good seed is gathered in barns while the weed is gathered up and burned up.

To burn up means to annihilate and bring to nothing. That is the end of all human reasoning and knowledge in this present world which lead men astray. The wisdom of this age which has hitherto obscured the true knowledge of the true living God is dissolved as the messengers of God take the center stage.

The angels, translated servants, messengers, ministers etc. represent couriers of the message of the God. If you see a messenger, you see a message not the messenger and the messenge reveals the sender. What happens here is that the true knowledge of the Father is brought to light through the messengers. The message unveils the realm of God that man has perceived through the ages in the form of proverbs. Men live in the shadow of the real thing in relation to mere parables and hence are unable to see nor partake of the kingdom of the Father.

The angels (message of God’s kingdom) bring to light the hidden things of God causing men to see the Father plainly. The overall effect is the dissolving mortal realm of man in the eternal fire of His truth. Nothing hidden that won’t surely brought to light, truly the Father in secret is brought to light as the message floods the earth. All men shall see Him, and all flesh shall be dissolved into nothing. That which remains is that which has been from the beginning as one with the eternal Spirit.

These righteous shining forth as the Sun in the Father’s kingdom are the morning stars and sons of God spoken of through the ages. These ones have their origin in the eternal Spirit and have no beginning nor end. Righteous not by works but by their nature which is that of the Father. These are the ascended and transfigured ones standing in the name of the one who inhabits eternity. They live by the only true name, which is above every other name, the name of the Father.  

Today I stand in the end, far above all concepts of the men of the earth below. I stand in my true undiluted celestial nature of the Father.