Judge not, that ye be not judged. or with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:1-5) 

We live in a world where men constantly and erroneously judge by the outer appearances. We see this at all levels in the systems of men, be it families, communities, nations, religions and the list goes on and on. No pointing of fingers here, it is pure human nature to judge other men yet expects not to be judged by others. The one who judges and points the finger the most seems to be the one most wounded when judged and accused by others. The idle human mind spends the much greater percentage of its time judging others according to his standards. This is an unrighteous judgment that yields confusion, divisions, hate, murders, wars and rumors of war. Unknowingly, it puts men on a slippery path to destruction, robbing them of his power and glory.

The repairer of the breach is in our midst to correct all of this; he is here to restore the unity of the faith that existed before time, where brethren dwell together in divine union. In this unity of the faith, God is found; it is the powerhouse of God, the realm where the unlimited blessings and the anointing flow without measure.

During his famous sermon on the mount, He says emphatically, “judge not by the outer appearances in this present world, open your eyes and you will see your brother, a replica of your own self

When Jesus gave his sermon on the Mount, He never intended to give a new set of rules that will stand as an alternative to that of Moses’s laws, rather he came as an enabling factor to fulfill them. These laws form the bedrock of the new heavens and new earth that is presently coming to view to those who are awakening to the truth. This means that the present heavens and earth where men languish in ignorance and death will not pass away until every jot of the law is fully obeyed. There is a dilemma here though, no man, not even the rugged holy prophets of the yesteryears ever attained to the new creation by fulfilling the laws of Moses. Because of this, Paul will later qualify the laws of Moses a ministration of death because rather that edify men it yielded death in them.

Jesus seated on the elevated heights of the lofty mountain (figuratively Zion), revealed a way of life rather than an alternate set of laws. He revealed the true life in the true creation of God. This creation represents the much spoken of new heavens and new earth descending consciously into view. Men of all races, tribes and religious affiliations are already experiencing this new celestial reality but it is hidden from those who are asleep.

The laws produce death in the one living out of human intellect but life to the one living out of the Spirit mind. Notice I wrote the Spirit mind to indicate there is just one Spirit mind and by this by a man live and be elevated into life. This is the life of the ages to come in the new creation by those who live by the Spirit mind of God. No human can see life, that which is human, and mortal must pass away and give way to the divine and immortal seed of God.

The mindset of the one that walks in the blessed realm of God know’s no man after the flesh because doing the contrary will amount to judging wrongly according to outer appearances. Never look outwardly at a seeming marred clay vessel, rather see the divine content of the vessel. Like Paul, from henceforth I know no man by the flesh but by the Spirit. Let this be your bold and strong resolve as you walk the narrow path of life upon the everlasting hills. The illuminated mindset takes up the form of an innocent child because it sees and walks solely in relation to God.

Let the eyes be single to behold the brotherhood within the confines of the one true family of God. The darkness is passing, the truth has removed every obstacle in the way so that I can now see my brother from the days of old, from eternity before this world existed. When we entered this world, we were all conformed to various living patterns, tradition, beliefs and languages. All these have brought about the judgmental pointing of the fingers, conflicts, divisions and matured into death. In our ascent back into life these beliefs must be left behind for the pure doctrine from above. These beliefs no matter have sound they look defile men and represent a stumbling block. One may ask, what then is this pure doctrine? Simple, “There is only one God and Father of all is in us all”. Every other thought is simply in the darkened human mind.

Who then is the one that judges men? Well, is there one we call God watching out to scrutinize and judge and accuse man this way? The answer is a big no. The only one that judges men after the outer appearance is the human mind who incidentally is the god of this world. This god who is enthroned on the human mind (the beast) is the one who lives by the knowledge of good and evil. The true God that Jesus, the ascended one, revealed to humanity is not aware of good and evil. The eyes of God cannot see evil nor vanity, it sees God alone because there is none else. Seeing anything outside of God will amount to beholding vanity, it’s all in the darkened imagination of man. That human mindset must be purged or better still substituted with the mind of God. This is the mindset of those who inhabit Zion, God’s holy spot. Then will warring and divisions seize among men because they are fused in one as the true God.

Today the words in the first to fifth verses of the fourth chapter of Micah (4:1-5) are being fulfilled, because men are hearkening to the call to ascend higher in conscious by putting on the mind of the Spirit. The end of this is the unity of the brethren in undiluted love, and a full restoration of the power of God demonstrated in the creation and sustenance of the universe. The deceiving and destructive god of this world who judges outwardly disappears because the light has come and the carnal mind upon which it was enthroned is no more.

Friends, look up and see the true creation of God, let’s work in it today.


Trevor Eghagha